A simple framework for building shell interfaces

The purpose of cmdfun is to significantly reduce the overhead involved in wrapping shell programs in R. The tools are intended to be intuitive and lightweight enough to use for data scientists trying to get things done quickly, but robust and full-fledged enough for developers to extend them to more advanced use cases.

Briefly, cmdfun captures R function arguments (args) as a base R list and converts them to a vector of commandline flags.

Grabbing function arguments as lists

The cmdfun framework provides three mechanisms for capturing function arguments:

cmd_list_interp converts the captured argument list to a parsed list of flag/value pairs (details below). This output can be useful for additional handling of special flag assignments from within R.

cmd_list_to_flags converts a list to a vector of commandline-style flags using the list names as flag names and the list values as the flag values (empty values return only the flag). This output can be directly fed to system2 or processx.

Together, they can be used to build user-friendly R interfaces to shell programs without having to manually implement all commandline flags in R functions.

The cmd_args family of functions operate within a function environment to capture the arguments. Therefore, to examine their behavior, they must be wrapped in functions.

Here I’ll compare the differences between the three cmd_args functions.

get_all <- function(arg1, arg2, ...){

get_named <- function(arg1, arg2, ...){

get_dots <- function(arg1, arg2, ...){
# cmd_args_all() gets all keword arguments and arguments passed to "..."
(argsListAll <- get_all("input", NA, bool = TRUE, vals = c(1,2,3)))
#> $arg1
#> [1] "input"
#> $arg2
#> [1] NA
#> $bool
#> [1] TRUE
#> $vals
#> [1] 1 2 3
# cmd_args_named() gets all keword arguments, excluding arguments passed to "..."
(argsListNamed <- get_named("input", NA, bool = TRUE, vals = c(1,2,3)))
#> $arg1
#> [1] "input"
#> $arg2
#> [1] NA
# cmd_args_dots() gets all arguments passed to "...", excluding keyword arguments
(argsListDots <- get_dots("input", NA, bool = TRUE, vals = c(1,2,3)))
#> $bool
#> [1] TRUE
#> $vals
#> [1] 1 2 3

The captured argument lists contain the argument names as list names, and the argument values as list values.

Create R representations of commandline flags

Passing flags to commandline software inherently varies from how arguments are passed to R functions. For example, some flags require values to follow them, while others do not (ie head -n 5 vs ls -l). In some cases, flags can have multiple values assigned to them, passed as comma-separated entries (ie cut -f 1,2,3).

To facilitate the conversion of these concepts between R and the shell, cmd_list_interp interprets R data structures in each list entry and converts them where necessary to prepare them for final conversion to a character vector.

Argument values are interpreted according to the following rules:

Argument Value Type cmd_list_interp behavior
character(1) keep
numeric(1) keep
character vector keep
numeric vector keep
factor keep
TRUE Convert to: ""
FALSE Drop entry from list
NA Drop entry from list
NULL Drop entry from list
# Note that `arg2` is dropped, and `bool` is converted to ""
#> $arg1
#> [1] "input"
#> $bool
#> [1] ""
#> $vals
#> [1] 1 2 3

Commandline tools can have hundreds of arguments, many with uninformative, often single-letter, names. To prevent developers from having to write aliased function arguments for all, often conflicting flags, cmd_list_interp can additionally use a lookup table to allow developers to provide informative function argument names for unintuitive flags.

(flagList <- cmd_list_interp(argsListAll, c("bool" = "b")))
#> $arg1
#> [1] "input"
#> $b
#> [1] ""
#> $vals
#> [1] 1 2 3

Convert lists to flag vectors

After interpreting argument lists with cmd_list_interp, the resulting list can be coerced into a vector suitable for passing to system2 or processx using cmd_list_to_flags. cmd_list_to_flags will produce the following vector values for each name/value pair in the list:

Argument Value Type cmd_list_to_flags behavior
character(1) c("-name", "value")
numeric(1) c("-name", "value")
character vector c("-name", "a,b,c")
numeric vector c("-name", "1,2,3")
factor same as character
empty string: "" c("-name")
#> [1] "-arg1" "input" "-b"    "-vals" "1,2,3"

Examples using unix tools

Here are two examples wrapping common shell utilities ls and cut.

Wrapping ls with cmdfun

These tools can be used to easily wrap ls, a command which lists files in the target directory.


shell_ls <- function(dir = ".", ...){
  # grab arguments passed to "..." in a list
  flags <- cmd_args_dots() %>% 
    # prepare list for conversion to vector
    cmd_list_interp() %>% 
    # Convert the list to a flag vector
  # Run ls shell command
  system2("ls", c(flags, dir), stdout = TRUE)
# list all .md files in ../
#> [1] "../LICENSE.md" "../NEWS.md"    "../README.md"

Boolean flags are passed as bool operators

ls -l can be mimiced by passing l = TRUE to ‘…’.

shell_ls("../*.md", l = TRUE)
#> [1] "-rw-r--r--  1 runner  staff  1077 Oct 12 21:53 ../LICENSE.md"
#> [2] "-rw-r--r--  1 runner  staff  1273 Oct 12 21:53 ../NEWS.md"   
#> [3] "-rw-r--r--  1 runner  staff  8192 Oct 12 21:53 ../README.md"

Using a lookup table to make user-friendly argument names

For example, allowing long to act as -l in ls.

shell_ls_alias <- function(dir = ".", ...){
  # Named vector acts as lookup table
  # name = function argument
  # value = flag name
  names_arg_to_flag <- c("long" = "l")
  flags <- cmd_args_dots() %>% 
    # Use lookup table to manage renames
    cmd_list_interp(names_arg_to_flag) %>% 
  system2("ls", c(flags, dir), stdout = TRUE)
shell_ls_alias("../*.md", long = TRUE)
#> [1] "-rw-r--r--  1 runner  staff  1077 Oct 12 21:53 ../LICENSE.md"
#> [2] "-rw-r--r--  1 runner  staff  1273 Oct 12 21:53 ../NEWS.md"   
#> [3] "-rw-r--r--  1 runner  staff  8192 Oct 12 21:53 ../README.md"

Wrapping cut with cmdfun

Here is another example wrapping cut which separates text on a delimiter (set with -d) and returns selected fields (set with -f) from the separation. Again, we use a lookup table to create the optional sep and fields arguments which specify -d and -f, respectively.

shell_cut <- function(text, ...){

  names_arg_to_flag <- c("sep" = "d",
                         "fields" = "f")
    flags <- cmd_args_dots() %>%
        cmd_list_interp(names_arg_to_flag) %>% 

    system2("cut", flags, stdout = T, input = text)
shell_cut("hello_world", fields = 2, sep = "_") 
#> [1] "world"

Multiple values can be passed to arguments using vectors

# Note that the flag name values are accepted even when using a lookup table
shell_cut("hello_world_hello", f = c(1,3), d = "_") 
#> [1] "hello_hello"

Abstraction of command path detection

Command executables can be stored in different locations across devices, therefore another barrier to wrapping external software is detecting the location of the desired tool. The simplest solution is to ask the user to provide the location to their install, however, requiring this for every function call can become repetitive and clunky. To reduce this cognitive overhead, a common pattern when designing shell interfaces is to ask the user to pass this information to R by using either R environment variables defined in .Renviron, using options (set with options(), and got with getOption()). Fallback options can include having the user explicitly pass the path each time in the function call, or failing this, using a default install path.

cmd_path_search() is a macro which returns a function that returns a valid path to the target by hierarchically searching a series of possible locations according to the following hierarchy:

  1. Manually passing the install path to the function call
  2. An option set using options(option_name = "value")
  3. An environment variable set in .Renviron
  4. A default install location

The resulting search function will always prefer the most specific option (ie when a user explicitly passes a path) before falling back to a less-specific assignment. It is up to the designer whether to support any or all of these features.

For example, to build an interface to the “MEME” suite, which is by default installed to ~/meme/bin, one could build the following:

This will search for ~/meme/bin and either return a valid path if it exists, or throw an error if it can’t be found.

search_meme_path <- cmd_path_search(default_path = "~/meme/bin")

#> [1] "/Users/runner/meme/bin"

The user can always pass their own path which will override the default location. If this path is invalid, the search function will error.

#> Error in .check_valid_command_path(path): Command: bad/path, does not exist.

To instead only search the R environment variable “MEME_PATH”, one could build:

search_meme_path <- cmd_path_search(environment_var = "MEME_PATH")
# Without environment variable defined
#> Error in search_meme_path(): No path defined or detected
# With environment variable defined
Sys.setenv("MEME_PATH" = "~/meme/bin")
#> [1] "/Users/runner/meme/bin"

Multiple arguments can be used, and they will be searched from most-specific, to most-general.

search_meme_path <- cmd_path_search(environment_var = "MEME_PATH",
                                       default_path = "~/meme/bin")

For example, if “MEME_PATH” is invalid on my machine, the search_function will return the default path as long as the default is also valid on my machine.

Sys.setenv("MEME_PATH" = "bad/path")
#> [1] "/Users/runner/meme/bin"

As always, if the user passes their own path, this will take precedence.

search_meme_path(path = "bad/path")
#> Error in .check_valid_command_path(path): Command: bad/path, does not exist.

Support for tool utilities

Some software, like the MEME suite is distributed as several binaries located in a common directory. To allow interface builders to officially support specific binaries, each binary can be defined as a “utility” within the build path.

Here, I will include two tools from the MEME suite, AME, and DREME (distributed as binaries named “ame”, and “dreme”). The user can set the binary location by setting the MEME_PATH environment variable, passing their own path, or fall back to the default install location.

search_meme_path <- cmd_path_search(environment_var = "MEME_PATH",
                                       default_path = "~/meme/bin",
                                       utils = c("dreme", "ame"))

search_function functions have two optional arguments: path and util. path acts as an override to the defaults provided when building the search_function. User-provided path variables will always be used instead of provided defaults. This is to catch problems from the user and not cause unexpected user-level behavior.

#> Error in .check_valid_command_path(path): Command: bad/path, does not exist.

util specifies which utility path to return (if any). The path search_function will throw an error if the utility is not found in any of the specified locations.

search_meme_path(util = "dreme")
#> [1] "/Users/runner/meme/bin/dreme"

The cmd_install_check function can be lightly wrapped by package builders to verify and print a user-friendly series of checks for a valid tool install. it takes as input the output of cmd_path_search and an optional user-override path. The search logic is inherited from the path search function, so the options and environment variables are also searched.

Here I build a function for checking a users meme install.

check_meme_install <- function(path = NULL){
  cmd_install_check(search_meme_path, path = path)
# searches default meme search locations
#> checking main install
#> ✔ /Users/runner/meme/bin
#> checking util installs
#> ✔ /Users/runner/meme/bin/dreme
#> ✔ /Users/runner/meme/bin/ame
# uses user override
#> checking main install
#> ✖ bad/path

If you want to write your own install checker instead of using the cmd_install_check function, cmdfun also provides the cmd_ui_file_exists function for printing pretty status messages.

#> ✖ bad/file
#> ✔ ~/meme/bin

Internal install validators

cmdfun also provides a macro cmd_install_is_valid() to construct functions returning boolean values testing for an install path. These are useful in function logic, or package development for setting conditional examples or function hooks that depend on a command install. cmd_install_is_valid() takes a path search function as input, so any options, .Renviron, or default install location logic propagates to these functions as well.

meme_installed <- cmd_install_is_valid(search_meme_path)
#> [1] TRUE

This also works on utils defined during path search construction.

ame_installed <- cmd_install_is_valid(search_meme_path, util = "ame")
#> [1] TRUE

Bringing it all together

Using a cmd_args_ family function to get and convert function arguments to commandline flags. The path search function returns the correct command call which can be passed to system2 or processx along with the flags generated from cmd_list_to_flags.

This makes for a robust shell wrapper without excess overhead.

In the runDreme function below, the user can pass any valid dreme argument using the rules for command args defined above to .... Allowing meme_path as a function argument and passing it to search_meme_path allows the user to override the default search path which is: the MEME_PATH environment variable, followed by the ~/meme/bin default install.

search_meme_path <- cmd_path_search(environment_var = "MEME_PATH",
                                       default_path = "~/meme/bin",
                                       utils = c("dreme", "ame"))

runDreme <- function(..., meme_path = NULL){
  flags <- cmd_args_dots() %>% 
    cmd_list_interp() %>% 
  dreme_path <- search_meme_path(path = meme_path, util = "dreme")
  system2(dreme_path, flags)

Commands can now run through runDreme by passing flags as function arguments.

runDreme(version = TRUE)
#> 5.1.1

If users have issues with the install, they can run check_meme_install() to verify the tools are being detected by R.

Additional Features

Restrict argument matching

each cmd_args_ family function accepts a character vector of names to keep or drop arguments which will restrict command argument matches to values in keep (or ignore those in drop). As of now, keep and drop are mutually exclusive.

This can be useful to allow only some function arguments to be captured as flags, while others can be used for function logic.

myFunction <- function(arg1, arg2, someText = "default"){
  flags <- cmd_args_named(keep = c("arg1", "arg2")) %>% 
    cmd_list_interp() %>% 

myFunction(arg1 = "blah", arg2 = "blah")
#> [1] "default"
#> [1] "-arg1" "blah"  "-arg2" "blah"
myFunction(arg1 = "blah", arg2 = "blah", someText = "hello world")
#> [1] "hello world"
#> [1] "-arg1" "blah"  "-arg2" "blah"

Manipulating list objects

For the most part, the purrr library is the most useful toolkit for operations on list objects.

cmdfun provides additional helper functions to handle common manipulations.

cmd_list_drop operates on argument & flag lists to drop all entries corresponding to a certain name, specific name/value pairs, or by index position. Conversely, cmd_list_keep functions identically but for keeping entries.

myList <- list('value1' = TRUE,
               'value2' = "Hello",
               'value2' = 1:4)

cmd_list_keep(myList, "value2")
#> $value2
#> [1] "Hello"
#> $value2
#> [1] 1 2 3 4
cmd_list_keep(myList, c("value2" = "Hello"))
#> $value2
#> [1] "Hello"
cmd_list_drop(myList, "value2")
#> $value1
#> [1] TRUE

These functions can be useful for ignoring setting certain flags if the user set them to a specific value.

myFunction <- function(arg1, arg2){
  flags <- cmd_args_named() %>% 
    cmd_list_interp() %>% 
    # if arg2 == "baz", don't include it 
    cmd_list_drop(c("arg2" = "baz")) %>% 

myFunction(arg1 = "foo", arg2 = "bar")
#> [1] "-arg1" "foo"   "-arg2" "bar"
myFunction(arg1 = "foo", arg2 = "baz")
#> [1] "-arg1" "foo"

Expecting output files

Sometimes a commandline function returns multiple output files you want to check for after the run.

cmd_error_if_missing accepts a vector or list of files & checks that they exist.

cmdfun additionally provides a few convenience functions for generating lists of expected files. cmd_file_combn generates combinations of extension/prefix file names. The output can be passed to cmd_error_if_missing which will error if a file isn’t found on the filesystem.

cmd_file_combn(ext = c("txt", "xml"), prefix = "outFile")
#> $txt
#> [1] "./outFile.txt"
#> $xml
#> [1] "./outFile.xml"
cmd_file_combn(ext = "txt", prefix = c("outFile", "outFile2", "outFile3"))
#> $outFile
#> [1] "./outFile.txt"
#> $outFile2
#> [1] "./outFile2.txt"
#> $outFile3
#> [1] "./outFile3.txt"

Alternately, cmd_file_expect will build a list of expected files and check whether they exist. This is a wrapper around cmd_file_combn %>% cmd_error_if_missing.

Error checking user input

When using cmdfun to write lazy shell wrappers, the user can easily mistype a commandline flag since there is not text completion. Some programs behave unexpectedly when flags are typed incorrectly, and for this reason return uninformative error messages. cmdfun has built-in methods to automatically populate a list of valid flags from a command’s help-text.

Alternatively, package builders could pass a vector of allowed flag names to check against if they didn’t want to parse help text. The goal is maximum flexibility.

The following example demonstrates how to parse help text (in this case from tar) into a vector of allowed flags. This vector is compared to the user-input flags (user_input_flags below), and tries to identify misspelled function arguments.

Here, the user has accidentally used the argument delte instead of delete. cmdfun tries to be helpful and identify the misspelling for the user.

user_input_flags <- c("delte")

system2("tar", "--help", stdout = TRUE) %>% 
  cmd_help_parse_flags() %>% 
  # Compares User-input flags to parsed commandline flags
  # returns flags that match based on edit distance
  cmd_help_flags_similar(user_input_flags) %>% 
  # Prints error message suggesting the most similar flag name
#> Error: Invalid flags. Did you mean:
#> "???" instead of: "delte"

Unsafe operations

WARNING: It’s still possible to do unsafe operations as follows, so please be careful how you build system calls.

shellCut_unsafe <- function(text, ...){

  flags <- cmd_args_dots() %>%
    cmd_list_interp() %>% 

    system2("echo", c(text , "|", "cut", flags), stdout = TRUE)


shellCut_unsafe("hello_world", f = 2, d = "_ && echo unsafe operation!")
#> [1] "world"             "unsafe operation!"

NOTE even if when setting stdout = TRUE the second command doesn’t appear in the output, it will still have run.

A more extreme example of what can happen is here, where ~/deleteme.txt will be removed silently.

I promise I’ll get around to sanitizing user input eventually, I am still reasoning about the best way to do this. You can provide feedback on this process at this issue.

shellCut("hello_world", f = 2, d = "_ && rm ~/deleteme.txt")