AME was run for "ectopic", "entopic", and "orphan" sites using shuffled background.



a list of runAme() results data.frames


see `vignette("integrative_analysis", package = "memes")` for details.


# Data can be combined into 1 large data.frame using:
dplyr::bind_rows(example_ame_large, .id = "binding_type")
#> # A tibble: 505 × 18
#>    binding_type  rank motif_db         motif_id  motif_alt_id consensus   pvalue
#>    <chr>        <int> <chr>            <chr>     <chr>        <chr>        <dbl>
#>  1 ectopic          1 /nas/longleaf/h… Aef1_Fly… Aef1         CAACWACW  6.87e-23
#>  2 ectopic          2 /nas/longleaf/h… Aef1_SAN… Aef1         RCAACAAC… 1.69e-20
#>  3 ectopic          3 /nas/longleaf/h… CG7368_S… CG7368       KDGKGGGD… 2.71e-15
#>  4 ectopic          4 /nas/longleaf/h… klu_SOLE… klu          KGYGKGGG… 1.35e-14
#>  5 ectopic          5 /nas/longleaf/h… l(3)neo3… l(3)neo38    DGKGGGKG… 2.1 e-14
#>  6 ectopic          6 /nas/longleaf/h… AbdB_SOL… Abd-B        NTTWATKR  6.63e-14
#>  7 ectopic          7 /nas/longleaf/h… Mes2_SAN… Mes2         TTTARGCC… 2.34e-13
#>  8 ectopic          8 /nas/longleaf/h… Cad_Cell  cad          WTTWATTR  3.41e-13
#>  9 ectopic          9 /nas/longleaf/h… Cad_SOLE… cad          DTTWATTR  4.67e-13
#> 10 ectopic         10 /nas/longleaf/h… klu_SANG… klu          TGYGKGGG… 3.36e-12
#> # … with 495 more rows, and 11 more variables: adj.pvalue <dbl>, evalue <dbl>,
#> #   tests <int>, fasta_max <dbl>, pos <int>, neg <int>, pwm_min <dbl>,
#> #   tp <int>, tp_percent <dbl>, fp <int>, fp_percent <dbl>